Title: The birth of Venus
Type: Painting
Creator: Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)
Time period: 1482
Location: Galleria degli Uffizi
Country: Italy
Type: Painting
Creator: Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)
Time period: 1482
Location: Galleria degli Uffizi
Country: Italy
Title: Venus before a Mirror
Venus watching herself in a mirror held by her son Cupid. The mirror allows the viewer to have more than one aspect.
Type: Painting
Creator: Titian (c.1488-1576)
Time period: 1555
Location: National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
Venus watching herself in a mirror held by her son Cupid. The mirror allows the viewer to have more than one aspect.
Type: Painting
Creator: Titian (c.1488-1576)
Time period: 1555
Location: National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
Title: La Primavera
Aphrodite enjoying the arrival of spring in her garden with the Charites (Graces) on her right and Apollo (Mercury) next to them, reaching out for some delicious fruit. Cupid is flying above the Graces, aiming his arrows full of love potion at them. On Aphrodite left, Flora is depicted, the goddess of spring, holding flowers in her arms. Next to her, the nymph Chloris, chased by Zephyr, the Wind of the West.
Type: Painting
Creator: Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)
Time period: 1485
Location: Galleria degli Uffizi
Country: Italy
Title: Venus and Mars
Aphrodite (Venus), gazing at her lover Mars while he is sleeping
Type: Painting
Creator: Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)
Time period: 1483
Location: National Gallery of London
Country: United Kingdom
Aphrodite enjoying the arrival of spring in her garden with the Charites (Graces) on her right and Apollo (Mercury) next to them, reaching out for some delicious fruit. Cupid is flying above the Graces, aiming his arrows full of love potion at them. On Aphrodite left, Flora is depicted, the goddess of spring, holding flowers in her arms. Next to her, the nymph Chloris, chased by Zephyr, the Wind of the West.
Type: Painting
Creator: Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)
Time period: 1485
Location: Galleria degli Uffizi
Country: Italy
Title: Venus and Mars
Aphrodite (Venus), gazing at her lover Mars while he is sleeping
Type: Painting
Creator: Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)
Time period: 1483
Location: National Gallery of London
Country: United Kingdom